- Our Services -
Beyond Dog Training offer the following services
Puppy Classes
The first 16 weeks of a puppy’s development is the MOST critical period for learning development and the BEYOND Dog Training Puppy Classes will address all the important aspects of this stage of learning development including: Understanding your obligations as Responsible Pet Owners under the Animal Welfare Legislation, Why use POSITIVE REWARDS-BASED training? Behavioural traits of this age group…

Juvenile and Adult Classes
Juvenile dog stages generally can range from 24 -78 weeks (6-18months). However this development period can be dependent on the type of breed. Large and giant dog breeds commonly do not mature into adulthood until 2-3 or even 4 years or age. Small dogs are the quickest to mature and to reach adulthood. The JUVENILE (or ADOLESCENT) stage of your dog’s growth development…

Private Consultations
A BEYOND Dog Training professional one-on-one consultation can be conducted in your home and will provide you with a guided training plan to address any goals you and/or your dog may need assistance with. It is important to realise that nothing can be learned overnight. The key to successful learning, whether that is teaching a dog new behaviours…

Difficult Behaviours
This topic is also commonly referred to as ‘Problem Behaviours’ and can include, but is not restricted to, the following behaviours in various degrees – Excessive barking, Destructiveness, Relentless digging, Escapism, Fear and phobia based anxieties, Inappropriate elimination, Dog aggression…

“Canine Cupids”©
At BEYOND Dog Training, I believe that bringing home the right dog for you and your family will be one of the most important decisions that you make. This one decision alone can determine the success or failure of how well your dog integrates into your family and how well your family embraces the dog into their everyday lives.

“Pets & Babes”©
Here is the scenario – You are expecting your new baby and you have pets at home. In the midst of preparations for your new baby’s arrival, you may wonder about whether your pets will accept the arrival of the newest member of the family with open arms like everyone else will. Right? At BEYOND Dog Training, I believe that bringing home your new baby…

“Canine Cafe Club”©
Do you have a well behaved dog that you can confidently take to social settings in the public domain? Do you enjoy outings with other like minded dog owners and their well behaved dogs? Would you like to join a social group of people and their dogs for the following activities? – A walk together (doesn’t have to be strenuous)…

Responsible Pet Ownership
At the core of BEYOND Dog Training, is the belief that all pet owners need to take responsibility for the welfare of their pets. I strive to be an example of this belief in my community in every way that I can, by being a leader e.g. my involvement in the Delta Therapy Dog program. I also try to educate my fellow pet owners about their responsibilities through the products…

Delta Therapy Dogs Accreditation
Do you have a well balanced dog that enjoys learning and pays attention to you when asked to? Do you have one to one and a half hours a week of spare time? Would you like to make a difference for others by visiting them with your dog? Perhaps you would like to consider becoming a Delta Therapy Dog Team together, so that you can visit residents in an aged care facility or hospital in your district and make a difference to their day.

If you have any other dog training or behavioural need that has not been addressed in any of the other products listed on this website, please contact me via the CONTACT page or via phone on 0402 500 879, to discuss. If you would like to organise a presentation to a...